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Airfleet’s Experts Review Wiz’s Website

Alistair Fairweather and Dina Goldshtein give us a rundown of what works and what doesn’t on Wiz’s website post IPO announcement.

Elad Hefetz
23 July 2024

Hot on the heels of Wiz’s rejection of Google’s offer and decision to go IPO, Alistair Fairweather, Conversion Rate Optimization Expert, and Dina Goldshtein, Head of Design, gave us a rundown of what works and what doesn’t on Wiz’s website.

An excellent website is a reflection of excellent marketing.

Dina started us off strong at the beginning of the Wiz website review with an astute observation:

“It’s not because they have a good website that the company is successful. Because the company is successful, they know what they’re doing and they’re building a website to match.”

It’s difficult to create a succinct pitch. It takes a great product, smart leadership, and talented marketers. It’s also extremely difficult to commit to brevity and simplicity throughout a website. Too many companies want to list every use case and appeal to every prospect.

initial impressions of wiz.io

We struggle at Airfleet to describe our own offerings succinctly – it’s always easier when you visit another company’s website. It truly is one of the most difficult things to perfect as a marketer.

Alistair Fairweather also wanted to emphasize that Wiz has perfected their brand in a way that makes it appear easy.

“The discernment required to build a good website is the discernment required to be able to pitch what you do to people quickly and to be clear and to have good taste about how you represent that thing in every respect. Clutter and ugliness is easy.”

Wiz’s message lacks the typical jargon-laden copy that plagues B2B technology websites. They match the simplicity of the language they use to describe what they do with simple illustrations and clean animation.

Dina Goldshtein said:

“The heroes throughout Wiz’s website are animations. The small illustrations are very endearing and simple. So if you go to each and every product, you will probably see the rest of the pages are very simple. The homepage is more interesting.”

Alistair jumped in to add:

“And that’s fine. Not everything has to be a trailer. Not everything has to be the sexiest. But if we’re going to make one thing really sexy, you should make it your homepage.

Courageous marketing choices.

If you visit just about any other cybersecurity website, they tend to take themselves very seriously. They want to be trusted to obliterate any threats. Wiz took a very different approach, which helps them stand out.

“[Their website is] approachable and it’s fun and it’s engageable, but with a mature approach,” said Dina.

We also noticed that the main navigation doesn’t consistently stay pinned at the top of the page when the user scrolls. We’re not sure if that was A/B tested and the result of a lot of research, but it’s certainly a bold choice that diverts from the industry norm.

bold design choices by Wiz

Alistair Fairweather said:

“What you’re saying is we have the courage that if you get further down, you’re going to see something that you’re interested in clicking on. They’re taking away all distractions.” He continued, “With marketing, courage often comes from saying less, not more, right?”

If we had to pick one thing to change…

We struggled to find anything constructive to say about Wiz.io’s design. If we had to pick on anything, it’s not always intuitive that the illustrations are interactive. For example, the nutcracker on the homepage didn’t jump out at us as something we were supposed to click the first few times we visited.

wiz.io what we would change

We would also recommend integrating more video, particularly around customer evidence.

Otherwise, they have a gorgeous website with a clean message and approachable design.

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