Website Technical Perfection
Making your website infrastructure flawless is a never ending task, which we’ll do proudly.
Web Core Vitals
Speed, SEO, Accessibility and Best Practices
Web core vitals are the Google’s signals for a good website experience.
We ensure good metrics in all of the Web core vitals on an ongoing basis. This serve as a base for good user experience and good indication for Google’s crawlers.
Technical SEO
Server Side and On Page Optimization
Technical SEO has heavy weight in ranking performance for search engines.
Optimizing your website for technical SEO includes ensuring all best practices are implemented correctly, including HTML scheme through heading hierarchy, URL structure, redirects and meta tags implementation.
We make technical SEO seamless for you.
Security Audits
WordPress Can Be Secured
While security won’t be the #1 priority for marketers, we found security to be a core part of a great website.
I mean, you wouldn’t want your website to be defaced or worse – leak your customers data?
Using both black box penetration testing and internal audits we ensure your website is always following security best practices.
Website Upkeep
Making Maintenance a Breeze for You
With our website upkeep approach, we ensure all of our websites are constantly up to date, patched with the latest plugins and following the latest PHP and WordPress versions.
Website Monitoring
Downtime Cost Money
You can’t afford having your website down, and the last thing you want is to hear it from your prospect that they can’t reach your site.
Our uptime monitoring coupled with visual regression monitoring ensure not only that we’ll know the minute something will go wrong, but any small visual regression that happened on your site.
Monthly Report
Your Website Pulse Check
When we do our job properly, it’s easy to forget all of these are actually getting done. Our ownership report will show you on a monthly basis which tasks were actually completed, their impact and which tasks are scheduled for next month.
Website Enhancement
Move faster than your product.